Campaign News
Lauzen Sets the Record Straight on Oberweis’ Erroneous Attack Ads : Campaign News : Lauzen for Congress CommitteeLauzen Sets the Record Straight on Oberweis’ Erroneous Attack Ads
| Thursday, 1/31/2008
North Aurora (January 31, 2008) – State Senator Chris Lauzen today responded to a series of false attacks leveled by his Republican primary opponent, Jim Oberweis. Lauzen issued a statement on Thursday to set the record straight.
In repeated direct mail pieces and new television advertisements, Oberweis has claimed that Senator Lauzen used tax dollars to pay for a “stained glass window in a Naperville parking garage.” Lauzen, in refuting this charge, once again corrected the facts for Oberweis. “In 2000, when my Senate District included Naperville, the Century Walk Corporation, a not-for profit organization celebrating 20th Century Naperville, applied and received a grant for its project,” said Lauzen. “The ‘Senate Republican Member Project Release Form’ is the document I approved, and it clearly lists the member project as a ‘Central Business District Artwork Project’. It mentions nothing of any specific art project.” Lauzen noted that a copy of that document is available at the end of this release and that he would make it available at his campaign office for interested citizens. Lauzen further noted that “the folks on that Board decided to spend the money as they saw fit. In fact, all monies the Board received went to a central operating fund, and private citizens and other civic and government groups contributed to the project. I did not, nor would I have supported use of the funds in the manner in which they were eventually spent,” said Lauzen. “To say that I earmarked $10,000 for stained-glass windows is dead wrong, and Jim knows it.” Lauzen further stated that this is not the first time he has informed Oberweis that the charge is spurious and inaccurate. “While I should be surprised that Jim would continue to spread this ‘suburban legend’, I am not. He has a history of airing misleading attacks and advertisements from his prior failed campaigns for elective office.” Lauzen noted that the President of the Century Walk Corporation wrote a two-page letter to the Chicago Tribune explaining the project. Lauzen stated that this letter also would be available online and at his campaign office.
Lauzen additionally addressed Oberweis’ false charge that Lauzen “tried to force” Illinois voters to pay an additional $1 billion in internet sales taxes. “Jim’s inexperience on the e-commerce tax issue really shows, as it is clear he either did not read or did not understand the legislation,” said Lauzen. “The measure I sponsored would have lowered property taxes by $2 billion without any increase in sales tax rates or any expansion of the type of property subject to the use tax. Jim knows this because it is clear from the text of the law.” Lauzen also discussed the fact that his proposal was consistent with his reputation as an anti-tax advocate. “The Senate Bill I co-sponsored was actually a net tax decrease of $1 billion for Illinois citizens and only provided for a collection mechanism for taxes that were already due and owing. Oberweis glosses over these facts to mislead the voters.” Finally, Lauzen discussed the purpose of the proposed law and remarked on Oberweis’ attempts to distort the measure and confuse voters with just days remaining until the February 5 dual primary. “Anyone who looks at it knows that the bill was intended to provide for adequate, fair school funding in Illinois. In past press releases attacking me, Jim does not dispute this and ignores it altogether. The measure would have required that 80 percent of collected taxes be remitted to school districts on an equitable per-pupil allocation so that every child would benefit. The citizens of the 14th District, and indeed throughout Illinois, are well-aware that school funding has been a problem for years, and that it results in vast inequities throughout our State. Not only was my proposal a net tax decrease, but it also was a means to help children throughout Illinois achieve a better education.”
Lauzen concluded by noting that Oberweis’ advertisements constitute a further attempt to denigrate Lauzen’s 15 years of service in the Illinois State Senate. “It is very sad that my opponent would attempt to use a school-funding measure which lowered taxes as a misleading attack piece. Jim has no record of leadership in public service, so he continually tries to tear down my record. I find it regrettable that he attempts to confuse the people he seeks to serve. This strategy has failed in past campaigns that he has run, and I am confident the voters will conclude that he simply will say or do anything to get elected.”
Member Project Release Form & Century Walk Letter
What they're saying about Chris Lauzen...
Lets get Chris Lauzen to Washington.
- Dan