Campaign News
Denny Wiggins Responds to Oberweis Attempt at Character Assassination : Campaign News : Lauzen for Congress CommitteeDenny Wiggins Responds to Oberweis Attempt at Character Assassination
| Thursday, 11/1/2007
It has been my privilege to serve the people of Aurora, Kane County, and the surrounding areas in elected office for 24 years as Aurora Township Supervisor and as a volunteer for more than 35 years on various non–profit social service agency boards of directors.
As a precinct committeeman, I answer to my neighbors who elected me. As Kane County Republican Chairman, I answer to all the precinct committeemen who elected me by an overwhelming margin.
My opponent in the most recent 2006 election for Republican County Chairman was Jim Oberweis who I soundly defeated by a vote of more than 44,000 to 1,133. Apparently, there are still hard feelings and sour grapes over his defeat.
My objective is to get Chris Lauzen elected to Congress and I don’t want this controversy to distract from that goal.
Let me state emphatically that it had been my first intention after meeting with the Executive Committee to resign from my post to make a clean break with the issue of my accepting a position with the Congressional campaign of Chris Lauzen. However, Oberweis has now viciously attacked my character and my ability to serve the Republican Party. He is trying to do through attacks what he couldn’t do at the ballot box. For me to step down now would be perceived as an admission that I had done something wrong in this situation, and nothing could be further from the truth.
After I was approached by both the Oberweis and Lauzen campaigns, I decided to go with the candidate who would best serve the people of Kane County and would continue the tradition of leadership provided by Denny Hastert, and that is definitely Chris Lauzen. Since I announced my decision to the Kane County Republican Executive Committee last week, I have carefully listened to their advice and thoroughly weighed the alternatives. I have come to the conclusion that the most reasonable compromise, in the best interest of the Party and sensitive to concerns of others, is to take a temporary leave of absence until February 6, 2008.
I hope that this decision ends the negative posturing from the Oberweis campaign and returns this race to a discussion of the issues that are truly important to the people of Kane County. I remain committed to the Republican Party and its candidates and will continue to work on behalf of a Republican victory in 2008.
Denny Wiggins
10/31/07 |
What they're saying about Chris Lauzen...
I would be very proud to display a yard sign supporting Chris Lauzen for Congress. I firmly believe that Chris Lauzen has consistently represented the best interests of the people and that he will continue to do so throughout his political career.
- Ann